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HomeAcademic Year2022-2023The International Schools of Kenana, American Division believes undoubtedly in our students'...

The International Schools of Kenana, American Division believes undoubtedly in our students’ talent and accomplishments! As a part of the Future University in Egypt (FUE) feedback about our students from their visit on 8th Feb. 2023, the people responsible for the event literally said:“ The students were very decent and engaging in all the workshops at the faculty. They listened eagerly to all the instructors. When it comes to the students in computer science, they were very preoccupied while making an X-O game with the coding system. And in dentistry, the students were very careful while using the simulators and the material. ”The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration at FUE gave our students an orientation about the faculty’s learning system, majors, and training opportunities in detail. The students also had a business competition and played 2 creative games with their colleagues, and the Kenana team was the winner and each member won a prize. We extend our thanks to the Future University in Egypt (FUE)for their great welcome. Thanks to our students who made us so proud. May God always bless them.

قال المسؤولون في جامعة المستقبل عن زيارة طلابنا إليهم يوم 8/2/2023:

“كان الطلاب على قدر من الاحترام ويشاركون في كل ورش العمل بالكلية، واستمعوا بشغف إلى المدربين. وبالنسبة إلى علوم الحاسب، كان الطلاب مندمجين بشغف أثناء برمجة لعبة X-O. كان الطلاب حريصين على الأدوات المستخدمة”

قدمت كلية التجارة بجامعة المستقبل ندوة تعريفية للطلاب عن نظام التعلم بها وتخصصاتها وفرص التدريب. وأيضاً شارك الطلاب بمسابقة للألعاب الإبداعية وفاز فريق مدرسة الكنانة بأعلى العلامات.

شكراً جامعة المستقبل على جميل ترحيبهم بطلابنا.

شكرا لطلابنا المتميزين دائما.

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