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HomeAcademic Year2022-2023I.S.K American Division | MUN | 2022-2023

I.S.K American Division | MUN | 2022-2023

In this era of globalization, learning about the world is more important than ever. No matter what field or profession students enter, they will interact with people from different diverse backgrounds. Problems taking place halfway around the globe impact our lives, our country, and our communities.Students learn about the world as they prepare for Model UN conferences, represent countries other than their own, and present possible solutions to global problems in committee.

Students develop confidence and leadership skills through experience. Model UN conferences are opportunities to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment.

Model UN is a powerful educational tool that offers highly valuable benefits to students and their families. The goal of the Model UN teacher is to deliver those benefits. And our mission at Best Delegate is to share the educational benefits of Model UN.

نموذج الأمم المتحدة “MUN” هو أداة تعليمية قوية تقدم فوائد قيّمة للطلاب، حيث يهدف هذا النموذج إلى دفع الطلاب للتعرف على العالم أثناء استعدادهم للمؤتمر ويؤهلهم للتعامل مع كل مجالات العمل المستقبلية والتفاعل مع كل الأشخاص من حولهم. يعمل ال MUN على تقديم فرصة للطلاب لممارسة البحث والخطابة والعمل الجماعي والتفاوض ومهارات الكتابة في بيئة منظمة.
وقد قدم طلاب مدرسة الكنانة الدولية، القسم الأمريكي، هذا المؤتمر بنجاحٍ باهر.

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