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HomeAcademic Year2022-2023I.S.K | American Division | A symposium on the ethics of Ramadan...

I.S.K | American Division | A symposium on the ethics of Ramadan for the students to gain a deeper understanding of Ramadan

A symposium on the ethics of Ramadan for the students to gain a deeper understanding of Ramadan, and its spiritual reward, and highlight the good deeds that have a lasting impact throughout life instilled by this month.

As the International Schools of Kenana, American Division, is always keen on enhancing the spirituality and ethical attitude of the students, this symposium aims to promote the ethics of Ramadan among students so they can make the most of this holy month and sustain their ethical choices throughout the year.

حرصًا من المدرسة على تعزيز الروحانيات والأخلاقيات لدى الطلاب، قدمت المدرسة ندوة تثقيفية عن آداب شهر رمضان المبارك للطلاب حتى يتمكنوا من تحقيق أقصى استفادة من هذا الشهر الفضيل وترسيخ اعمال رمضان الحسنة التي يجب أن تستمر طوال العام.

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