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HomeAcademic Year2022-2023First Place in the School’s Got Talent Football | 2022-2023

First Place in the School’s Got Talent Football | 2022-2023

Congratulations ISK American Division Football Team, for winning First Place in the Schools Got Talents Football Tournament for 2023. Your performance is magical and your sporting attitude is respectful and honorable. May all your efforts be rewarded with well-deserved blessings.

تهانينا لفريق ISK American Division Football على فوزه بالمركز الأول في بطولة Schools Got Talents لكرة القدم لعام 2023. أداؤكم المبهر وموقفكم الرياضي المشرف يدعو للفخر، ونرجو ان يكلل مجهودكم بالنجاح على الدوام.

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